Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fashion Trends 2009 ?

uhh i dont think this is what youll see in 2009... or at least, i hope not. half of these things are absoloutley hideous. the squared toed, thick clunky shoes? the belly showing? seriously??! if this is what we should expect for 2009, then we might as well climb into a trash can, cuz these are horrible trends. Mayb u should do more research on what people will actually like... because i asked tons of people i know, and they think the fashion rate is a 2 out of 5.


style yang ok punya ,tapi kalu jaman sekarang udahganti lagi kali ya ,style nya ?

fashionnya bisa diikuti juga gak ya ,ditanah air
kayanya kalau di modif lagi buat di indoesia bisa makin bagus tuh
